




在夏季来临之际,祝你一切安好... A big thank you to those who are leading and those who are participating in the group discussions about race, 种族歧视, 以及其他相关话题. I am excited to be in touch with many of you as we figure out moving forward in this historic moment. 我认为它具有历史意义,并不是因为它呈现了新的东西, 而是因为全球可见性的规模和背景. 和最近乔治·弗洛伊德的谋杀案有关, 在世界大流行期间的视频中非常生动地捕捉到了这一点, 全世界都在关注. 在小组讨论中, I have been encour年龄d by people’s cour年龄 to be authentic and intentional as we reflect and figure out forward movement, 为我们的学生建立一个我们都希望的世界/学校社区, 我们的女儿, 我们的儿子, 我们自己, 还有我们爱的人. I am looking forward to making the most of this moment I describe as raised consciousness and attention.

To this end, many of us are talking and learning about things like anti-种族歧视... For me, this is so much about our focused intentionality toward ending 种族歧视. It is a response to an arguably well-intended but highly ineffective “not being racist” narrative. 除了它的被动, this narrative has been clearly demonstrated to have little to no meaning in our human struggle to end 种族歧视. 如果说有什么作用的话,那就是它起到了固定它的作用. 这还算讽刺吗? 种族主义, 又称系统性种族主义, 深刻地塑造了我们生活的是一个我们都出生在其中的体系. 它是我们整个国家赖以建立的基石, 以反黑人种族主义作为整个制度的背景. 

从我们出生的那一天起,我们就被这个系统塑造了. 这也包括我... 顺便说一下,我是个黑人,以防你不认识我... 从小开始, I remember many of the mess年龄s I got from multiple institutions surrounding me: lighter skin and straighter hair were more beautiful. 在南方黑人浸信会长大,” I was taught at every turn that God was an old white man with a long white beard and a long white robe. All the textbooks in my school were authored by white and presumably hetero性ual men. 我可以继续,继续,继续. 这个钢筋, 对我来说, 一个清晰而无情的叙述,白色, 通常是男性, voices were the voices of authority and superiority that I must listen to and be ruled by or... (你可以自己填空). 无论我学的是科学,都是如此, 英语/文学, 数学, US/ World 历史 (all taught from a perspective that normalized a European/white perspective and making it the quintessential human perspective) and even 音乐. 确定, 有人告诉我,黑人对美国的流行音乐布鲁斯做出了贡献, 爵士乐, 岩石, 而说唱, 例如. 当我还是个孩子的时候,没有人告诉我黑人发明了这些音乐流派. In the case of 爵士乐, they did so well before it was called 爵士乐 by mainstream aka white America. 听过"种族音乐"这个词吗? Many of the earliest 爵士乐 sounds were dismissively called that by white Americans. I imagine that much of my story is familiar to many of you as it was and is widespread and familiar to people around much of the world, 尽管我们有不同的版本. 

在这一刻, I think we educators have a powerful opportunity to impact the lives of our students, 我们自己, and each other by creatively and thoughtful rethinking how and what we teach. Consider this: how can our course curriculums fully represent the diversity of human experiences and perspectives? 在这个时刻,我们怎样才能使黑人的声音更加重要?  It is not enough to simply include Black voices as I know many of you do…  For centuries, 黑人的声音不仅被排除在我们大多数的叙述之外, 却被蓄意操纵,以维护系统性的种族主义, 坦白地说,更具体地说, “白人至上.” I think this may seem very radical at first and maybe even over the top to some of us. 这可能是“公平与平等”的场景之一.

Consider whether our curriculums support our students to have a nuanced and holistic view of this world in a way that liberates and empowers them across their different racial, 性别, 文化认同.  这一刻让我想起我们的世界变化得有多快... 即使我们的许多机构都存在分歧, we humans are in many ways more connected than ever across the world via social media, 跨文化组织, 以及其他关系. I think this means that if we really want to prepare our beloved students to flourish in this multicultural world of collapsing socio-economic systems, 气候变化, 大流行, 以及其他压迫性条件,  we need to guide them toward a deeper understanding of our world even more than we have been taught previously. 

今年春天, we have so powerfully demonstrated to each other and to 我们自己 that we are quite good and capable of learning and adapting to what is needed in a given moment. 在我看来,这是另一个这样的时刻!

