韦德娱乐苹果手机版下载 Fall Preseason Begins Monday, August 26, 2019

A Note From Director of 韦德娱乐苹果手机版下载 Rob Eichem:

Looking ahead to next year, fall preseason begins on Monday, August 26, 2019. It is mandatory for all athletes, and if your son or daughter plays a fall sport (boys and girls soccer, 曲棍球, 和越野), he or she is expected to attend all preseason 实践 and 永不言败.

Practice times will be determined by the coaches and announced during the summer. Athletes who miss more than 25% of all scheduled preseason obligations (team meetings, 实践, 永不言败, 等.) are automatically ineligible to be a team captain and may be required to miss games/meets at the beginning of the season, to be determined by the coaches. Please make your summer plans with this in mind.

As we have a large number of domestic and international boarders who play fall sports, I'm always on the look out for home stays for them during the preseason. If you live locally and are interested in hosting a Solebury athlete next fall, until they can move into the dorms, please let me know via email (reichem@tengzhetuan.com).